Selected Nonfiction
An Interview with Michael Imperioli, The Believer
On Cowboys, The Believer
Song of the Lyrebird, The Believer
A Review of Florado Helios Muybridge's Tombstone, The Believer
The Mirror and Thomas Jefferson: Using Real People in Fiction, LA Review of Books
Hoaxing History, Bomb Magazine
On Pushwagner's Soft City, Art in America
The Motion of Light in Water, by Samuel Delaney
Wake in Fright
The End of Claire Denis’ Beau Travail
More Nonfiction
On Seeing and Robert Walser, The Believer
Sketches of Place and Loss: Graphic Novels in 2017, Art in America
On Joshua Mohr's Sirens, SF Chronicle
On Phillip Lopate's A Mother's Tale, SF Chronicle
On Tom Lutz's And The Monkey Learned Nothing, SF Chronicle
On Daniel Handler's All The Dirty Parts, SF Chronicle
On Steve Erickson's Shadowbahn, Culturetrip
On Tasmanian History, Mephitically Bubbling Puddles, and the Kettering Incident, Vice
Brian Evenson, The Believer
Melissa Cantanese, Art in America
Daniel Heidkamp, Art in America
Amina Cain, The Believer
David Shields, The Believer
Shane Jones, The Believer